Wow, it has been a long time since I've posted on my blog! Things have just been so busy with work, the travel business, and family activities that I have been neglecting my blog. I guess I really haven't had a whole lot to post lately too because I'm really behind in my scrapbooking, Project Life, and pretty much all craft projects! There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day for everything I'd like to do! It doesn't help that the weather has been beautiful lately, so it seems a shame to stay inside when it's so nice out. :)
Here is one project that I just finished though. It is a digital album made through Panraven. I actually purchased the digital album when we were on our cruise back in April, and just finished it up a few days ago, so now I'm just waiting to get the hard copy back that I've ordered. Here is a link to the online version of the album: